Poetry by Shon Berg



I stopped for a moment as I hustled through a busy day. 
I looked into the mirror, now let me tell you what I could see.
It was more than just a reflection looking back at me, something much deeper than just my physical form.
I could almost envision the spirit deep within me, the very thing that created me and gave me life. 
He knew me even before I was in my mother's womb, before I ever saw a day in this world.
I could almost hear him speak softly, telling me I was fearfully and wonderfully made.
Created in his image, and that nothing in this world could conquer me.
So I know I must never quit, wallow in self-pity, back down, or show fear for the enemy.



My mother was only fifteen when she gave birth to her first born son.
I was left in the midst of the storm where the thieves and vultures swarm.
With the odds stacked against me I was the misfit cause the life didn't fit.
Saying be real or don't be cause out in these streets things aren't the way their supposed to be.
These kids are young and reckless with heat under the seat to end your life in seconds.
Pull the trigger peel the caps like it's nothing, but wisdom is priceless.
Lord give me the knowledge to write cause I hate evil, but I love living righteous.
Bless these words to save their lives when there's nowhere to turn.
Is it a lesson they didn't learn?
Wicked, evil, plots, and, schemes, shattered lives, and broken dreams.
I don't want to leave these words unspoken, I got love for my brother's with bonds unbroken, yet and still the guns are smokin.
I stare in the mirror thinking of good times and people I can never replace.
I know someday I too will die and I hope to see your face, but for now Lord I thank you for all your love and all your grace.